Benefits of Humus Compost

  1. Humus holds 4 times amount water, reducing water use by up to one half

  2. Increases active organic carbon in the soil

  3. Sequesters carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

  4. Improves soil structure creating more pore space, allowing more oxygen

  5. Increases beneficial microbes in soil to fight disease and extract nutrients

  6. Builds healthier root systems to extract nutrients from the soil in a plant available form

  7. Reduces water use increases water holding capacity

  8. Nutrient holding capacity – less leaching of nutrients into waterways and rivers and the atmosphere

  9. Less nitrogenous fertilisers – less nitrous oxide into the atmosphere

  10. Improves salinity by adding humus

  11. A healthy plant in a healthy soil develops antibodies and chemicals which shun the insects